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American Unity Fund is dedicated to advancing the cause of freedom for LGBT Americans by making the conservative case that freedom means freedom for everyone.  We serve as an expert resource for pro-freedom conservatives.


Support for relationship recognition and protecting individuals from discrimination is mainstream among rank-and-file Republican voters, presenting opportunities for conservative officeholders to embrace fair public policies. Advocating for “American Individuals, American Families, and American Values,” American Unity Fund is solidifying a pro-freedom voice on Capitol Hill.



American Unity Fund’s legislative priority in the 119th Congress is the passage of comprehensive Fairness for All (FFA) legislation. This would secure freedom from discrimination for all Americans regardless of religion, sexual orientation, or transgender status. 



The Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell established the freedom to marry as the law of the land across the United States. The Respect for Marriage Act, passed in late 2022, ensures that all American families have the marriage protections they need to keep our communities strong and to uphold the relationship among states and the federal government. To further support all families, conservative lawmakers can support continued access to fertility options like IUI, IVF, and surrogacy.



As during President Trump's first administration, conservatives can help promote American values abroad by reaffirming fundamental freedoms and opposing the criminalization and imprisonment of LGBT individuals. Throughout Eastern Europe, especially in Russia, authoritarian and anti-American political leaders have sought to restrict the fundamental freedoms of speech, expression, assembly, and association for disfavored minorities, targeting LGBT individuals and those who would dare to defend them. Meanwhile, in several countries in Africa and the Middle East the “crime” of being gay or transgender is punishable by death or life in prison. An American foreign policy that respects and emboldens individual freedom is an freedom-minded public policy all conservatives should support.


American Unity Fund is engaging courageous, pro-freedom conservatives in the states as we work to advance Fairness for All, mobilizing grassroots support among conservatives.

Our work to amplify the voices of pro-freedom conservatives has had impressive results in state after state. Republicans had a decisive influence on same-sex marriage victories in New Hampshire, Minnesota, Rhode Island, and Delaware. In New York, the freedom to marry passed in a Republican-controlled legislative body for the first time. These thoughtful public servants have taken their stand on the right side of history. In total, hundreds of Republican lawmakers across the country have stood out for freedom.


Without these historic, bipartisan efforts in the states, the freedom to marry would have never gained enough traction to succeed at the Supreme Court.

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